Test 2: reports in Philosophical Analysis

1. It centers on how to overcome the seeming dehumanization or depersonalization of human beings  in         a world of anxiety, absurdity, despair and nothingness.
a.  Pragmatism      b. Existentialism    c. Essentialism            d. Idealism
2. He develop his concept of  Existential Phenomenology in which he produced a new concept  of being in understanding man.
a. Karl Jaspers     b. Gabriel Marcel              c.Friedrich Nietzsche       d.Martin Heidegger
3. He believed  that from the time between birth and death, people strive from happiness in order to escape anxiety and despair, but human life is not design for pleasure.
a. Gabriel Marcel    b. Soren  Kierkegaard      c. Karl Jaspers                    d. Edmund Husserl
4. Founder of Phenomenolgy
a. Jean-Paul Sartre    b. Karl  Jasper                    c. Edmund Husserl            d. Gabriel Marcel
5. Basic theme of phenomenology that means that essentially all conscious thoughts and actions are intentionally directed toward objects of consciousness and their meaning.
a. Phenomenology      b. Intentionality                c. Integrity                         d. Primacy
6. Philosophy that focuses in language analysis, because the human capacity for language is one of the characteristics that set  him apart from other animals.
a. Linguistic Philosophy   b. Literal Philosophy        c. Eastern  Philosophy     d. Western Philosophy   
7. He presented a comprehensive theory of how the world is reflected in language, with the goal of showing that language sets a limit to what people can meaningfully express.
a. Ludwig Wittgenstein   b. Bertrand  Russell         c. Charles Pierce               d. William James
8. He declared :”Unless you assume a God, the question of life’s purpose is meaningless”.
a. Ludwig Wittgenstein   b. Bertrand  Russell         c. Charles Pierce               d. William James
9. According to him;”Doubt “ is the opposite of belief, and becomes an unsatisfactory state from which one struggles to free himself through thinking or inquiry.”
a. Ludwig Wittgenstein   b. Bertrand  Russell         c. Charles Pierce               d. William James
10. He believed that human beings are ego-centric.
a. Ludwig Wittgenstein   b. Bertrand  Russell         c. Charles Pierce               d. William James
11. It refers to the study of human phenomena, which seeks to uncover  the pure essence of things as they appear within man’s consciousness
a. Philosophy        b. Pragmatism                   c. Phenomenology           d. Atheism
12. It evaluates the truth and value of ideas according to their practical consequences and to their effects  on human conduct and behavior
a. Philosophy         b. Perrenialism                  c. Pragmatism                   d. Progressivism
13. Its main objective is to free the individual from his sufferings and tensions.
a. Indian Philosophy         b. Chinese Philosophy      c. Eastern Philosophy      d. Western Philosophy
14. It is centered on restoring order and the proper role of government, and was concerned mainly with the subjects of human nature, morality and government.
a. Indian Philosophy         b. Chinese Philosophy      c. Eastern Philosophy      d. Western Philosophy
15. It is not based upon a single book, such as the Bible, but denies its beliefs and practices from its many sacred writings or scriptures.
a. Hinduism            b. Taoism                           c. Buddhism                       d. Confucianism
16. It was intended to be a philosophical system to guide men in their search for true happiness.
a. Hinduism             b. Taoism                           c. Buddhism                       d. Confucianism
17. It says that man reaches understanding by withdrawing from the world and contemplating nature.
a. Hinduism             b. Taoism                           c. Buddhism                       d. Confucianism
18. It began in Northern India when the Aryams imposed rules to prevent intermarriage between themselves and the Dravidians as they had conquered
a. Caste system       b. Four Noble Truths        c. Eight fold Path              d. Shintoism
19. It refers to the inherent way all things are intented to be
a. Yoga                   b. Artha                               c. Karma                             d. Dharma
20. It is believed that every living being has a soul that transmigrates to another body after death where it is reincarnated as a new life.
a. Yoga                   b. Artha                               c. Karma                             d. Dharma
21. A physical and mental discipline harmonizing body with soul.
a. Yoga                   b. Artha                               c. Karma                             d. Dharma
22. Refers to the goal of seeking physical well-being, wealth and power.
a. Yoga                    b. Artha                               c. Karma                             d. Dharma
23. Provides the complete liberation of the soul from its enslavement to the cycle of death and rebirth.
a. outcastes              b. Vaishyas                         c. Sudras                             d. Moksha
24. He is also known as Buddha/The Enlightened One
a. Gautana  Buddha    b. Gengkis khan                 c.Confucius                        d.Lao Tzu
25. It is the state of spiritual perfection whereby a person has gained the insight and wisdom that removes him from the endless cycle of rebirths.
a. Noble truths       b. Eight fold Paths            c. Dukkha                           d.Nirvana
26. It aims at making not simply “the man of  virtue, but the man of learning and of good manners”.
a. Liberalism          b. Conservatism                c. Confucianism                d. Socialism
27. What views of man which states that : For him, man’s soul and knowledge emanated from as Active Intelligence that man’s rational soul is individual, invisible and eternal substance?
a. St. Thomas Aquinas     b. Averroes                        c. Avicenna                        d. St. Augustine
28. What is the substantial form of the body?
a. spirit                b. heart                               c. mind                                d. soul
29. A type of ideological views of human nature which believes that what matters most is the nation itself?
a. Fascism            b. Conser vatism               c. Socialism                        d. Liberalism
30. Which views of man states that all living things came from water and that man evolved from fish?
a. Anaximander        b. Aristotle                         c. Empedocles                   d. Democritus
31.Who is the greatest philosopher of Islam and His chief philosophical work is ‘The incoherence of the incoherence?
a. Al-Kindi           b.Avicenna                         c.  AbuHamid Al-Ghazadi d. Averroes
32. What do you call the five books from God that Moses received?
a.Ten Commandment      b.Psalms                             c. Pentateuch             d. Revelations
33.What marked the beginning of the rapid expansion of Mohammedanism?
a. Sakat                 b. Hegira                             c.Salat                                 d. Fatanah
34. A Hindu who has attained moksha, becomes one with the Universal Spirit  called_______.
a. Dharma             b. Artha                               c. Magga                            d.Brahman
35.One of the eightfold path which means from abstaining from taking life, from taking that which is not given,from sexual immorality and from all evil acts,and to perform only ethical acts.
a. Right Action           b. Right Effort                   c.Right Views                     d.Right Mindfulness

36. ________ is essentially a social structure a social structure that arises in social experiences.
a. mind                    b. self                                  c. body                                d. soul
37.Hobbes famous phrase is ____________________.
a. all men are bad.
b. it is not man’s humility but pride not goodness but power which shall determine his destiny
c. man is wolf to man
d. man created God accdg. to his image and likeness
38. Benjamin Franklin called man ______________.
a. homo haber            b. homo sapiens               c. homo erectus                d. java man
39. What kind of faith does Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all claim to be?
a. Islamic Faith          b. Abrahamic Faith           c. Christian Faith               d.Buddhist Faith
40.Who formulated another  belief that from the Prime came the Ether that permeates all space?
a.Kung Fu Tze          b. Lao Tzu                           c. Confucious                    d.Tung Chung –Shu
41. The state of spiritual perfection whereby a person has gained the insight and wisdom that removes him from the endless cycle of rebirths.
a. Nirvana             b. Dukkha                           c. Samudaya                      d. Nirodha
42.____________refers to the goal of seeking physical well-being ,wealth and power.
a. Karma              b. Artha                               c.Dharma                           d.Moksha
43.States that no sin either goes unpunished and no virtue ever goes unrewarded if not in this life, in the succeeding life.
a. Karma            b. Moksha                          c. Dharma                          d. Artha
44. In ancient  religion, it means  ‘ the way of the Gods ‘.
a.Hinduism           b. Buddhism                       c. Taoism                            d. Shintoism   
45. He believed that the body is a prison house from which the soul escapes when the body dies.
a. Aristotle             b. Plato                               c. Democritus                    d. Empedocles
46. He claimed that man must fulfill a progression of needs from the most basic physiological needs to the being needs to attain his or her psychological balance.
a. Abraham Maslow         b. Sigmund Freud              c. Karl Max              d. Ludwig Feuerbach
47. Who was the first to proclaim that he was ruling by the “divine mandate of Heaven”, and succeeding Chinese emperors continued this tradition.
a.Confucious        b. Kung Fu Tze                   c. Chou King                       d. Tung Chung-shu
48. What refers to a power which envelopes surrounds and flows through all things, living and non-living?
a.Tao               b. Ren                                  c. Yin                                   d. Yang
49. He is an Islamic scientist and eminent physician who composed a number of metaphysical, philosophical and ethical works which profess the existence of five eternal principles in Meta physics.
a. Al-kindi              b. Avicenna                        c. Zakariya Al-Razi            d. Averroes
50. Who posits that Jewish dogma must take precedence over reason; and that reason must capitulate wherever it contradicts tradition?
a. Avicenna              b.Moses Mainonides       c. Joseph Albo                   d. Saadia Gaon